AVM ® – Aseptic Validation Medium
Linden Grain Medium for the determination of microbial load within the scope of filling system validation
Filling plants are validated following installation and then once per year thereafter or after maintenance measures. A simulation is performed using a standardised nutrient medium to obtain a precise overall impression of the filling process with regard to recontamination. A statistical projection of filling samples would provide insufficient results.
AVM® - Aseptic Validation Medium - is the registered brand name of the Linden Grain medium in the Döhler Microsafety Design® portfolio. The medium is used to determine microbiological contamination during the validation of aseptic filling lines for beverages in the strongly and weakly sour range, such as soft drinks, juices or dairy products.
AVM® has an ideal nutrient composition that allows flexible adjustment of the pH for specific product variations or as per plant specification
It is sold as AVM® Powder or as the plant-based AVM® veg Powder. It is also available as a liquid broth upon request, however, this product only has a shelf life of two days (only available within a 1-day delivery radius around Darmstadt, Germany).
AVM® is an important tool used for certifications in accordance with the ISO 22000 food safety standard, HACCP and standards such as IFS and BRC.
Please contact the following distributors or Döhler directly.
Country | Name | Adress | Phone | |
China | Shanghai Sunny Biological Science and Technology Co.Ltd | Room 1706, No.1619 Dalian road,
| info@shennei.com | +86 021 65190298 8016 |
Singapore | Avantor SEA | 18 Gul Drive
| tharachaya.woraraktiwongs@avantorinc.com | +66 95 5626963 |
Mongolia | Monbiopharm Co. Ltd. | Sukhbaatar district, 6th khoroo,
| info@monbiopharm.mn | +976 11 330234 |
Brazil | Prozyn Indústria e Comércio Ltda | Rua Dr. Paulo Leite de Oliveira, 199
| flavio.melo@prozyn.com.br | +55 11 3732 0000 |
Brazil | Merse | R. Domingos Cazotti, 284
| valkiria@merse.com.br | +55 193733 3800 |
USA | Weber Scientific | 2732 Kuser Road
| mkarczynski@weberscientific.com | +1 609-306-5032 |
USA | White Labs | 9495 Candida St
| nparker@whitelabs.com | +1 858 527 7358 |
USA | BSG | 9650 East 40th Ave
| rnelson@bsgcraftbrewing.com | +1 303 574 8955 |
Canada | ProSource Scientific | 5370 Canotek Road Unit 11
| duane@psscientific.com | +1 866 939 9959 |
France | Laboratories Humeau | ZA Gesvrine - 4 rue Kepler BP 4125
| m.minier@humeau.com | +33 2 40 93 53 53 |
France | Brewpark sas | Rue des Colinettes
| michael.gelender@brewpark.com | +33 3 26 55 82 89 |
Italy | Sacco S.r.l. | Via A. Manzoni 29/A
| p.berardinetti@saccosrl.it | +39 031 8866607 |
Latvia | SnapTest.LV SIA | Valmieras iela 31B
| gints@snaptest.lv | +371 26 53 47 45 |
United Kingdom | Trafalgar Scientific Ltd | 190 Waterside Rd, Leicester LE5 1QZ
| asmith@trafalgarscientific.co.uk | +44 116 287 9460 |
Netherlands | SBI Europe | Kraaiondonk 44
| pvanrooij@sbi4beer.com | +31 413 783 880 |
all European countries | VWR International | Hilpertstraße 20a
| info.de@vwr.com | +49 800 702 00 07 |
all other countries | Döhler GmbH | Riedstraße 7-9
| dmd@doehler.com | +49 (0)6151 3060 |